Artist Profile
Joyce Owens
Chicago-based artist, teacher and curator Joyce Owens Anderson, was born in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She grew up in a working-class neighborhood in
Philadelphia. Owens’ mother, Eloise Owens, was a trained opera singer; who
encouraged her daughter to become an art teacher. Nevertheless, Owens
attended Howard University, where she earned her B.F.A. degree in art. Owens
then attended Yale University, earning her M.F.A. degree in painting. After working
various jobs, including arts and crafts director, art teacher and producer for
Philadelphia’s CBS television station; Owens moved to Chicago, Illinois. She then
spent eight years working for WBBM-TV, CBS Channel 2 in Chicago as the graphic
arts coordinator for news. Owens did additional work for the company as a
graphic artist, researcher and news assistant; all the time painting and exhibiting
her art.