Diasporal Rhythms

Edmundo Luiz Silva Simas
September 27, 2023
Artist Profile

Edmundo Luiz Silva Simas

Edmundo Simas, also known by his nickname Super Boy; was born in Ubaitaba,  Bahia, on March 14, 1941. At the age of 9, he moved with his family to the  Pelourinho neighborhood, in the Historic Center of Salvador. Self-taught, since  childhood he painted, drew and developed these skills by exploring different  materials. Among his masters, the acclaimed Carybé stands out; with whom he  learned and perfected his techniques in oil painting. Another recurring production  was the work developed in comics, such as drawings of superheroes, in addition  to scenography for murals and films. 

He identified himself with the modern Cubist school, and took references from  the masters of the style such as Picasso, Portinari, Di Cavalcanti and others. Above  all, he is a great observer of everyday life, people, landscape and events. He lived  in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, briefly in Buenos Aires, but always returned to Bahia.  His paintings incorporated new experiences to each culture and regional  peculiarities. A recognized and renowned artist in Bahia, he died on September 2,  2017. Among the exhibitions he participated in, are the one held at the Public  Library, in 1969 and 1971, and at the Rag Gallery in 1976. He received awards in  1973 and 1978.